COA update using API

Revised: 18 September 2020


This page shows the results of updating the CoA using various objects' API endpoints.

Summary of results

These results show which objects and actions were able to update the CoA.

Object name Status Result
Requisitions Ordered Failed
Partially Received Failed
Pending Approval Successful
Pending Buyer Action Successful
Invoices AP Hold Successful
Approved Failed
Booking Hold Successful
Disputed Successful
On Hold Successful
Pending Action Failed
Pending Approval Successful
Pending Receipt Successful
Expense Reports Approved for Payment Successful
Pending Approval Successful
Coupa Orders Buyer Hold Successful
Issued Successful
External Orders Issued Failed
Credit Notes Pending Approval Successful
Approved Failed

API tests

For the full set of test results with details, download COA update using API.xlsx.