• Last edited on: 04 February 2019

Forms (Easy Forms) Import

The Forms loader has forms columns, design elements columns, and object columns.


The Forms import process reads files from  ./Incoming/EasyForm/ in the SFTP. These files will be moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/EasyForm/ before being processed in alphanumeric order.

Keys and validations

Name is the key field to update an existing Form.

Forms loader headers

Form header columns

Column Description Hidden Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Form Specifies the type of row false false false - Form
Name* Name for the easy form false true true string(255) Any, but must be unique.
Type* The type of the form you want to create false true false string(255) invoice, invoice_line, supplier_information, sim_remit-to, sim_contract, contingent_worker, contract, expense_preapproval, supplier_review, user, sourcing
Action* The action for the easy form. The allowable type of action depends on the type of form being created. false true false string(255) See Form types and actions below. 
Content Groups Easy form content groups separated by a semicolon. Max 100 characters per content group name. false false false string any
Description The description of the easy form false false false string(255) any
Auto Approve Easy form auto approve. Possible values are yes or no false false false boolean True, False
Auto Apply Easy form auto apply. Possible values are yes or no false false false boolean True, False
Form ID Form ID is used to find easy form for update false false false any
Conditional If this field is currently conditional or not. Not available for SIM sub forms. false false false any
Condition Source Reporting Name Reporting name of a widget that will be used in a condition false false false any
Conditional Source Selection Value of a widget that will be used in a condition false false false any
Subform Subform false false false any
Label Label of the general field false false false any
Hint Hint of the object field false false false any
Auto Reminder Form auto reminder. false false yes, no
Requester Reminder Form auto requester reminder. false false yes, no
Preferred Preferred false false false string(255)
Default Value Default value for the object field false false false any
Send to Supplier If object's attachment is visible to supplier users or not false false false boolean
Widget Id Widget identifier false false false any

Design element columns

Column Description Hidden Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Design Element Indicates the type of row false false false - Design Element

The type of the design element.

If a form includes a page break widget, there must be a page break widget in the first widget position. This widget cannot be moved or deleted. 

All widgets displayed below the page break widget until the next page break widget are associated with that page. 

false true false string(255) header, descriptive_text, section_break, new_line, page_break
Sub Type Sub Type. Can be set only for SIM Contact false false false string(255) any
Alignment Alignment of the design element. Possible values are vertical or horizontal false false false string(255) vertical, horizontal
Text The text of the design element false false false Not valid for section_break and new_line

General field columns

Column Description Hidden Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
General Field Indicated the type of row false false false - General Field
Type* The type of the general field false true false string(255) check_box, date, multiple_check_boxes, radio_buttons, text_area, text_field
Label The label of the general field false false false string(255) any
Reporting Name* Reporting name of the general field false true false string(255) any
Hint The hint of the object field false false false string(255) any
Required If this general field is currently required or not false false false boolean True, False
Encrypted If this general field is currently encrypted or not false false false boolean True, False
Options General field options can be set only for radio buttons widget false false false any

Object field columns

Column Description Hidden Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Object Field Indicates the type of row false false false - Object Field
Type* The type of the object field false true false string(255) See Object Field Types below
Label The label of the object field false false false string(255) any
Hint The hint of the object field false false false string(255) any
Required If this object field is currently required or not false false false boolean True, False
Encrypted If this object field is currently encrypted or not false false false boolean True, False
Ignore Content Group Restrictions Object field ignore content group restrictions can be set only for content groups widget false false false boolean True, False
Default Value The default value for the object field false false false string(255) any

Additional field details

Form types and actions

Form Type Available actions
Invoice New, Modify Another_user, modify_another_user_in_the_requester's_content_groups, modify_the_user_filling_out_the_form, create_a_new_user,
Invoice Line New

Supplier Information

New Supplier Request - Searchable (Internal), Supplier Update (External), New Supplier Request - Inline Only (Internal), Supplier Update - Searchable (Internal)
SIM - Remit-To New - Add New Remit-To's, Update - View Existing Remit-To's
SIM - Contact "Add new, view and edit Contact Details"
Contract New
Expense Preapproval New
Supplier Review New (Internal)
User New, Modify another user, Modify another user in the requester's content groups, Modify the user filling out the form, Create a new user
Sourcing New Sourcing Questionnaire

Forms for custom objects can have New and Edit actions.

Object field types

The Type column for the Object field can contain different values based on the type of object you're creating. Use this table to determine the allowable values for your Form.

If your Form is a/an... These are the allowable values for the Type field
Invoice Invoice #, Currency, Chart of Accounts, Supplier, Attachments, Supplier Note, Image Scan
Invoice Line Price, Billing, Description
Supplier Information Name, Display Name, Parent Company Name, Industry, Preferred Currency, Inco Terms, Default Commodity, Minority Indicator, Minority Type, Tax Region, Tax Classification, Federal Tax ID, DUNS Number, Tax-Exempt Other Explanation, Tax Code, Income Type, Federal Reportable, International Tax ID, International Tax Classification, International Other Explanation, Backend Invoicing System, Backend Catalog System, Supplier Owner, Content Groups, Payment Terms, Supplier Region, Government Agency Interaction Indicator, Government Agency Interaction, Organization Type, Policy for Bribery and Corruption Indicator, Policy for Bribery and Corruption, Government Allegation for Fraud and Bribery Indicator, Government Allegation for Fraud and Bribery, Third-Party Interaction Indicator, Third-Party Interaction, Country of Operation, Goods and Services Provided, Pay Group, Invoice Amount Limit, Hold Payment Indicator, Hold Payment, Separate Remit-To, Comment Source, Comment, Duplicates Exist, Supplier Insights, Federal Tax Form, State Tax Form, Small Business Enterprise, Minority Business Enterprise, Women Business Enterprise, LGBT, NDA, Bank Form, Veteran-Owned, Insurance, Certificate, Workers Compensation Insurance, Public Liability Insurance, Child Labor Free, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, Food Safety, Custom Certificate 1, Custom Certificate 2, Code of Conduct, ISO TS 16949, Dodd-Frank-Conflict Minerals, QAA ZVEI Quality Assurance A, W-8BEN, W-8BEN-E, 8233, Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), Non-Resident Alien, Professional Indemnity Insurance, Product Liability Insurance, Massachusetts Gaming Commission License, Maryland Gaming and Lottery Control Commission License, Michigan Gaming Control Board License, PO Email, PO Method, PO Change Method, Hold POs for buyer review, cXML URL, cXML Domain, cXML Identity, cXML Supplier Domain, cXML Supplier Identity, cXML Secret, cXML Protocol, cXML SSL Version, Disable Cert Verify, cXML HTTP username, cXML HTTP password, Primary Address, Remit To Location, Primary Contact
SIM - Remit-To Location Code, Address Name, Account Currency, Street Address, Street Address 2, Postal Code, City, State Region, Country, Beneficiary Name, Bank Account Number, Bank Routing Number, IBAN Number, Sort Code, SWIFT Code (BIC) BSB Number, Intermediary SWIFT Code (BIC), Intermediary IBAN Number, Account Type, Intermediary Bank Name, Bank Address, Bank City, Bank State or Region, Bank Postal Code, Bank Country, Active
SIM - Contact First Name, Last Name, Email address, Mobile Phone, Work Phone, Fax
Contract Contract Name, Contract #, Supplier, Starts, Expires, Owner, Supplier Account #, Currency, Attachments, Savings %, Minimum Spend, Maximum Spend, Term Type
Supplier Review Overall Rating, HSE Rating, Price Rating, Delivery Rating, Quality Rating, Behavior Rating, Overall Review, HSE Description, Price Description, Delivery Description, Quality Description, Behavior Description, Ease of Contracting Collaboration, Overall Contracting Experience, Ease of Sourcing, Quality of Handling, Recommend Supplier, Up-Time
User Login, First Name, Last Name, Email, Mention Name, Employee Number, Next Approver, Default Currency, Default Chart of Accounts, Phone Work, Phone Mobile, Department, Roles, Projects and Groups, Account Security Type, Account Groups, Content Group Security Type, Content Groups, Default Address, Status, Default Locale, SSO Identifier, Authentication Method, Pcard, Requisition Approval Limit, Requisition Self Approval Limit, Expense Approval Limit, Expense Self Approval Limit, Invoice Approval Limit, Invoice Self Approval Limit, Contract Approval Limit, Contract Self Approval Limit, Purchasing License, Expense License, Sourcing License, Inventory License, Contracts License, Analytics License, AI Classification License, Ccw user, GPO Entity
Sourcing None

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